Thursday, 26 April 2018

If I had to think of one in particular, I guess it would be difficult to give an answer, however, and since I don’t want to be incoherent, I will. I remember one morning on the day of my birthday that my husband (boyfriend then) woke me up and gave me an envelope. At the time I thought “What a weird present, is it money?” Then I opened it and I realized it was a plane ticket. I remember I was a bit shocked; really, it was a plane ticket with hotel and everything to go to Buenos Aires the weekend after. I did no show much enthusiasm at the time since I had been waiting for something different, I suppose. However, I think this has been one of the best weekends ever. I had never been to Buenos Aires before and we had a wonderful time. We went to the typical sights; we also went to a tango club (and tried to dance!). I spent hours in libraries and got a few books for much better prices.
I suppose what I liked the most was the fact that people can be so nice there. Being a capital city, it is a completely different attitude towards others. Less hostile in gerneral, I think.  Also, in general the ordinary people in the streets seem so knowledgeable about their history, culture and that is really nice. It seems like culture is everywhere. I really enjoyed it. Now it is one of my good memories.
Write about a present you received.


What it was,

Who gave it to you,

Why you liked it,

Where it is now.
Anything else you find relevant.
Write a minimum of 200 words and 1 comment on your teacher's blog and 2 on any other blog in the class.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Blog evaluation

The blog mark  (20%  of your level mark) consists of two different marks:

Mark 1   50%  = Continuous assessment. Every class you get:

2 points for writing your post and comments "in class"
1 point for post and comments until Friday 21:00
O points after 48 hours or no post

Mark 2       50%

Evaluation of 2 texts (25%+25% )over the semester

Instruction, grammar, language, structure

Mark 1 + mark 2= final blog mark  20%

Thursday, 19 April 2018


Hi everyone:
Since today we are talking about personal things, I'd like to talk about a good friend of mine. I met Ivonne in around 2000 because she was a my sister's classmate at Uni and they were pretty close. Later, my sister left to live in the UK and didn't see Ivonne again until around 2005. I am not sure how we got in touch again but I am glad we did because I feel she is really nice company. I like talking to her about anything because most of the time she has wise words to tell me. Plus, she has a great sense of humor and is a very active woman.

I'd say we have  things in common. We like music and arts in general, and we share our sense of humor & we love animals. We don't eat them ! I really enjoy our evening meetings to have a drink and play music. Ivonne plays the guitar magnificently and can pick like few people I have met. But she is very humble about her guitar playing and that is nice too.
She is a lawyer, but one of the smart ones who will always tell you about the details of the legal actions you take. Furthermore,  most of the time she knows what is going on with the laws they will pass or if they already passed them and how they affect us. It is a pitty we only see each other 3 or 4 times a year.
Write about a good friend of yours:


Who it is,

How you met,

What things you have in common,

How often you see your friend.

Write at least 180 words. Leave a comment on  4 classmates' blogs .

Thursday, 5 April 2018

A place you would like to visit :)

Today we have hopefully talked a little about places during the first block. There are places in Chile I would love to visit. One of them is Punta Arenas. I was born in Temuco and I strongly think the south of Chile is simply marvellous. However, I have only been down to Coihayque. This is why I would love to visit more or less all there is to see and experience further south.

Abroad (in a foreign country), I know I want to visit Japan. I had the opportunity to go there for 12 days and I honestly though it was an incredible place. This idea of having a pagoda or a temple right next to a modern building and the constant stimuli is amazing. I also feel the Japanese culture is quite interesting. Not necessarily happy, quite the opposite, but still really willing to make the foreign person feel comfortable. They say that this only lasts while you are a tourist. The issue of honor is also something I find quite fascinating in this culture. I think I would there for a couple of months to be able to see the four islands. In particular, Hokkaido in the very north, where there is a Japanese/Russian community, and Okinawa and its tropical climate.
Of course, if I went to Japan again, I’d (I would) like to do it with my travelling companion in my adult life, my husband. But I quite like the idea of travelling with one of my sisters, too.

I personally feel travelling and experiencing a different culture, even as a tourist, is a priceless experience. I believe it is more valuable than most material things. I know this is very subjective but it is how I feel J

Write about a place you would like to visit.
Why you would like to go there and why.
Who you would go with.
How long you would go there for and what you would do.
Include anything else you find relevant.
Write a minimum of 190 words.